Government Leader's Attack on Freedom of Press

 This information just came out and underscores my concern regarding the legitimacy of the whole Covid-19 threat. I’ll be providing more information next week that I hope will be helpful in your thinking about this issue.


This brief newsletter is to keep you updated on the ramifications of the current pandemic paradigm.


Congressman Adam Schiff sent a letter to the CEOs of both Google and YouTube asking them to be more rigorous in their censorship of any views that might conflict with the official positions of the WHO, World Health Organization.


To be clear, in this newsletter, I do not choose to partake in partisan politics. The fact of Congressman Schiff being a Democrat is irrelevant to me in this context. My concern is what he says and what he is requesting/demanding. It is what he says and what he implies that has me very concerned. His Political Party is of no concern. (I hope that is clear as I know that people who read this newsletter are or tend to lean towards both Democrat and Republican.)


The CEO of YouTube was recently interviewed by CNN. According to a summary by Business Insider:


-      “YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki says the platform will ban content peddling fake or unproven coronavirus remedies.”

-     “She also suggested that videos that ‘go against’ WHO guidance on the pandemic will be blocked.”

-     “The video platform will remove content that contradicts the World Health Organization’s advice on COVID-19.”

-     “Anything that goes against WHO recommendations would be a violation of our policy” and removal of those videos is “another really important part of our policy.”

-     She specifically mentions things like Vitamin C and tumeric.


In the letter from Adam Schiff, he lauds the aggressive action already taken by YouTube and YouTube’s owner, Google.


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But he calls for even more vigorous suppression of contrary views, whether scientifically based or not. As long as it disagrees with the dictates of the WHO, it is heretical and does not justified in having a voice.


Freedom of the Press: RIP


Tyranny in these times will seldom come as a naked form of tyranny. Rather it will come clothed in the language of helping the poor ignorant people who have no ability to evaluate options and must therefore be provided only one perspective, that of the WHO.


How can an American lawmaker call for a more aggressive elimination of a free press?


Is the “press” only CBS, NBC, CNN and Fox? If you have something to say, are you not a part of the “press”?


There are two points that I would like to make here.


1. Do You Know Who the World Health Organization Is?


I say “who” because those who are in leadership to some degree define the organization.


The Director-General (the boss) of the WHO is Tedros Adhanom. He is from Ethiopia.


If you read the Wikipedia entry regarding him, you might come away having absolutely no knowledge of his involvement with what I consider to be a horrible organization.


I was in Ethiopia in 1975 when one communist group was in the process of overthrowing the emperor of the country, Haile Selassie 1. He was at the time imprisioned, and he died (was killed?) not long after I left the country. He tracked his ancestry to the Queen of Sheba and Solomon, the king of Israel.


Later, another communist group, The Tigray People’s Liberation Front, took control of the country. Tedros Adhanom has been on the politburo (a communist term for the rulers of a country) for many years.


An Ethiopian group opposed his candidacy to become the Director General of the WHO. They said the following about him:


“Tedros Adhanom, a politburo member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) that has been ruling Ethiopia for the last 25 years and is in the inner circle of the regime well known for its systemic patterns of political repression and egregious human rights violations against Ethiopian citizens. The abysmal human rights record of the Ethiopian regime is very well documented by all the major international rights groups (Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Freedom House) as well as by the U.S. State Department in its annual human rights report…”


I could continue, but is this the person that you want to determine what information you can receive regarding possible therapies for what is a world changing “pandemic”? A long time leader of a communist country?


What Schiff and Wojcicki are saying is that if Tedros says it’s not a good therapy, we will get rid of all arguments to the contrary.


What world are we living in? Another communist country where the state entirely determines what the people see or hear? Except in this situation it’s monopolistic companies who control much of the transfer of information (Google/YouTube) that are going to be involved in the modern equivalent of book burning.


As I said earlier, those in leadership determine the course of an organization. Who is another major leader of the WHO?


Until recently the US government has been the top donor to the WHO.


Number 2, and now perhaps the number 1 provider of funds to the WHO, is the Bill Gates Foundation.


Bill Gates has been considered the wealthiest man in the world for a long time until recently booted from the position by Jeff Bezos. Bill has made his money legitimately and I have no quarrel with the man as long as he doesn’t try compelling the world to follow his demands in areas unrelated to his original expertise.


My concern is that Bill has become an ardent promoter of vaccines as the savior of the world. And he insists time and again that vaccines are the only way to bring about the future he envisions.


He thinks that America, as an example, will basically need to remain shut down to some degree until the anticipated vaccine becomes available and then EVERYBODY will have to be vaccinated.


He has even come up with ways to be sure the authorities can know whether a person has or has not been vaccinated. One of his ideas is to place a dye in the skin at the time of vaccination which can’t be seen by your eyes but will be visible to a cellular phone with the proper modifications.


I have no problem with Bill liking vaccines. Nor do I have problems with him encouraging people to get vaccinations.


But I do have a major issue with the notion that the only way for us to deal with the “novel corona virus” is to mandate that every person get the vaccination! And then I get very concerned when he suggests that the vaccination will become mandatory to travel, to go to restaurants, to engage with other people.


This, my friends, IS NOT SCIENCE! This is tyranny and a move toward a certain type of dictatorship.


It is legitimate for us to view the “scientific” views of the WHO as coming predominately from an politburo member and Bill Gates, who increasingly is vocal about his view of universal, mandatory vaccinations to deal with issues such as Covid-19.


Is this the world we want to live in?


And yet YouTube is stating as their goal that only the solutions endorsed by the Politburo member and the mandatory vaccine promoter (Tedros and Gates) will be allowed a voice on their platform.


Is this legitimate? Is this right?


Me? I do not believe so.



2. Is There Science that is Contrary to what WHO and, thus, YouTube Promote?


The answer is YES!


A. Specifically, Ms Wojcicki declared that using vitamin C was one of the treatments not endorsed by the WHO and thus was not going to be allowed on the YouTube platform.


As I documented in an earlier newsletter, the central hospital in Shanghai dealing with some of the worst cases of Covid-19 did a study in which they treated severely ill patients with IV vitamin C. There were no deaths in a series of 358 patients and, on average, these people left the hospital significantly earlier than those not treated with vitamin C.


No evidence, Ms Wojcicki? Is this a “fake or unproven” remedy?


Other locations have done similar treatments and the results are similar.


One last point regarding vitamin C and its ability to treat a wide variety of viral illnesses. Dr Thomas Levy is a cardiologist who has done a huge amount of research on vitamin C and the awesome therapeutic potential it has. One of his books on this subject is Curing the Incurable. But rather than just make astounding claims, Dr Levy documented the original sources for his research. I’ve got his book sitting around here somewhere but not enough time to find it if I’m going to get this out today. But approximately 25% of the entire book is a listing of the resources he used to document from the world medical literature the benefits of vitamin C. Ms Wojcicki, is this a “fake or unproven” remedy?


Even if the WHO does not endorse it means nothing to me. I want to see people get well using safe approaches. And I believe people should freely have access that kind of information.



B. Hydroxychloroquine has been shown to be effective in treating Covid-19 by many physicians around the world. It’s a medication that has been around for many decades and is used chronically for some autoimmune diseases.


As of March 13, 2020, the WHO was saying that they were looking into treating with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.


On March 26th, Tedros warned about using any medication “off label”. It was assumed by some reporters to be referring to the “off label” use of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19.


I have no problem with Tedros giving his opinion. But does this mean that Susan Wojcicki will be deplatforming those who discuss the evidence that supports the use of hydroxychloroquine? It does not appear to be endorsed by the WHO. Thus one can’t discuss it on YouTube???? Doctors can’t report their findings on YouTube?


Is Google going to ban doctors from being found when researchers are looking for doctors who have experience treating patients with hydroxychloroquine - since it’s not endorsed by the WHO?


Are you concerned about this manipulation of accessible information by YouTube and Google?



One Last Point - Some Very Good News from the CDC



I just now came across this.


The general information that we are receiving in the the various news media is that the number of deaths from Covid-19 here in the USA is running now in the 60,000+ deaths.


On April 11, the Washington Post confirmed that there had been 20,000 Covid-19 deaths in the US.


The good news is that numbers from the CDC are suggesting that the actual number of deaths might be closer to half that number. As you can see in the graph obtained from the CDC website (, the number of deaths was 11,356, not 20,000.


A bit of good news is always welcome!

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