COVID-19: Rights vs Tyranny

This whole Covid-19 thing is getting a bit ridiculous. Before long, I hope to give you some of my perspective on what is happening - maybe next week.

But today I was thinking that it might be fun/interesting to look at a few memes/graphics/quotes circulating on the internet that would give a little different take than that offered by the major media.

I may or may not agree with all that is said, but I do think what these offer is worthwhile in getting a broader perspective on what is taking place in our country.

Then there’s the whole question of diagnosis. Seems that everybody these days is dying of Covid-19, especially in some areas of the country. This week, one of the San Diego County Supervisors named Jim Desmond questioned the accuracy of claims regarding the number of deaths from Covid-19. He says that he has looked deeply into the issue of these deaths and concludes that most of the so-called Covid-19 deaths were in fact not due to Covid-19. San Diego County had reported 194 deaths from Covid-19, but he argued that the true number of deaths from Covid-19 was 6. 6 out of 194 claimed Covid-19 deaths were actually due to Covid-19, according to this official.

I have no direct knowledge regarding the accuracy of either claim, but I DO NOT believe the 194 claimed deaths to be accurate. Here are a few more memes, cartoons, etc, on this issue. Note that “pandemics” is semantics - used potentially to frighten people.

First we were threatened with 2,200,000 death without dramatic changes in our ways of life. Totally bogus. But those in positions to manipulate numbers have done their best to increase the numbers to as close to the projected 2 million as they can.


 Here’s one reason we have so many Covid-19 deaths - look how many fewer pneumonia deaths there are - they’ve just been renamed. Since it’s not real clear, each of the upper lines is a different year with the number of pneumonia deaths in that year by the week. The Red Line is this season. Note how the numbers began to rise with the season, but then the number of pneumonia deaths mysteriously plunged as, coincidentally, the Covid-19 cases skyrocketed.


As this senator who is also a doctor points out, hospitals make much more money if they use the Covid-19 diagnostic coding for their patients. If they then put them on a respirator, they get about 3x as much money. I’m sure that the amount varies by region, but one number I’ve heard bantered about is that hospitals get about $13,000 for Covid-19 diagnosis and $39,000 if the patients are put on a respirator.

You can buy a lot of diagnoses with a bit of good money


Here are the directions for doctors dealing with Covid-19. Is it legitimate to suspect the numbers the government and media are using?


The following is a joke - not an actual report by CNN (I hope).


To my way of thinking, one of the most sinister elements of this whole Covid-19 “pandemic” is what is more and more appearing to be the actual end goal: Mandatory Universal Vaccination. I am vigorously and unalterably opposed to mandatory and compulsory vaccination. In a free country, that CAN NOT happen. As a person somewhat aligned with the libertarian way of thinking, I believe that each person should freely determine what it is they want to do. In a free country, people can choose to vaccinate and equally choose not to vaccinate.

Here are a few thoughts loosely related to this issue.

There are many who have been promoting a more global governance, and crises can be used to one’s benefit when one has that goal. Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is often quoted regarding not letting a crisis go to waste. Use it to forward one’s cause.

There are others who have suggested the same. I tried to check for the accuracy of these claims and I believe that they correct.


Henry Kissinger was certainly an eminent politician/negotiator. And, in a free world, he has rights to his own opinion. But, I think an important question is: Are We The People going to be frightened into a docile obedience with basic human rights being stolen from us, or are we going to, in any way we civilly can, stand up to those threatening us?

I would really encourage you to understand the issues, consider whether we are getting truth, and whether we want to follow the dictates of those who appear to be fudging the truth.
