With kindness and compassion…
we seek to solve unsolved health challenges and restore vibrant living.
Integrative Services
Chronic illness is often at least partially caused by allergic reactions of one sort or the other. Chronic health issues are almost always multifactorial. In other words, there are usually a variety of causes that conspire to create the health problem that a person might face.
People are different and what works well for one might not work so well for the next. That is why treatment needs to be individualized, not treated via the “cookbook” method.
Some people would have to make serious changes in their diet, be treated for allergies, reduce their stress, quit smoking, support the adrenals, and treat with thyroid hormones in order to conquer their illness.
Dr. Wilkinson began working in this field in 1982, long before it was written about in the popular press. We find that appropriate use of thyroid, hydrocortisone, estrogen (especially estradiol), progesterone (not “progestins”), testosterone, DHEA, and other hormones can make a remarkable difference in the lives of patients who incorporate these, when indicated, into their health regime.
Integrative Medicine
Autoimmune diseases can often be multifactorial. Meaning, there are usually a variety of causes that conspire to create the health problems that a person might face. Simply put, immune system disorders cause an unusually low or over activity of the immune system.
People are different and what works well for one might not work so well for the next. That is why treatment needs to be individualized, not treated via the “cookbook” method. We have been able to show benefit for many patients affected with autoimmune diseases.
Dr. Wilkinson began working in this field in about 1982, long before it was written about in the popular press. We find that appropriate use of thyroid, hydrocortisone, estrogen (especially estradiol), progesterone (not “progestins”), testosterone, DHEA, and other hormones can make a remarkable difference in the lives of patients who incorporate these, when indicated, into their health regime.
Rhinitis (runny nose) year round and seasonal, Asthma, recurrent chest infections such as bronchitis, chronic sinusitis, repeat ear infections, food allergies, headaches – “tension” type, migraine and other, Eczema, contact dermatitis, urticaria/hives, Angioedema/swelling of lips, face and tongue, mental confusion/brain fog, hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD, PDD, Autism, depression, chronic fatigue/CFIDS/CFS, insomnia, Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Osteoarthritis, other forms of arthritis, Raynaud’s, Myalgia/muscle pains, constipation or chronic diarrhea, irritable bowel/spastic colon, chronic vaginal symptoms, Diabetes - type 2, “Candida” or fungal related problems, PMS, Endometriosis, multiple (many) complaints not adequately cared for with conventional approaches, aging issues, Menopause, Andropause
We offer nutritional IV’s which can help with fatigue, asthma, viral infections and other problems.
UBI, or Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, is a treatment provided in our clinic by our nurse. It is a simple IV treatment which allows us to pass a small amount of your blood through special frequency ultraviolet light.
UBI has the ability to kill certain bacteria and it has been shown to increase the immune response to infectious agents. There are some remarkable studies that have been published showing these benefits.
We have found UBI treatments to be helpful for many different health issues including: fatigue, what has been termed “chronic Lyme disease”, chronic yeast infections, allergies, and many other chronic illnesses.
For more information, please see theses links:
Shots + IV Therapy
We utilize intravenous therapy and shots containing vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants to combat such things as:
Viral infections, for example colds and flus
Nutritional deficiencies due to malnutrition or malabsorption
Immune stimulation
We offer nutritional IV’s which can help with fatigue, asthma, viral infections and other problems.