Should You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

We have historically lived in a free country and, thus, the choices you make regarding your health have always been considered to be entirely up to you. Unfortunately, that freedom might be coming to an end with the rise of a tyrannical state.

In my historical American perspective, the decision to get the Covid-19 “vaccine” should be entirely up to you and not coerced by some bureaucrat living in a distant city, mattering not whether that city is Olympia or Washington, DC.

Should you get the “vaccination”? Clearly, in my view, that should be entirely your choice. But if you would like my perspective, I would strongly urge you not to get the Covid “vaccine” - at least not yet.

Why? Because we really have no idea whether it is safe and whether the downsides might be significantly worse than any potential upside.

Here are three reasons why I think it is particularly dangerous to get the “vaccine” at this time:

Number 1: The treatment is experimental - the drug is not approved.

Number 2: The treatment is experimental - the drug is not approved.


To some, this might sound strange as people are getting the shots all the time. But it is important to note that the “vaccine” has NOT been approved by the FDA. What has happened is that the FDA has given an emergency exemption so that the “vaccines” can be used due to the “emergency” and due to there being no other recognized treatments for Covid-19. (Note: There are actually other treatments for Covid that work very well, but they have not been recognized. In my view, the lack of recognition is not because they don’t work. Rather, the lack of approval is because they would threaten the “emergency” provisions allowing the Covid “vaccines”.)

These “vaccines” are NOT approved treatments - NONE of them have been approved as safe and effective. They have an EMERGENCY EXEMPTION. Do you want to be a part of the experiment?

In future editions of this newsletter, I’ll outline some of the issues surrounding the whole Covid “pandemic”. And hopefully, you’ll get a better understanding of the treatment options you actually do have without resorting to potentially dangerous and experimental therapies.

As I was reflecting on getting back to writing this newsletter, I read a journal entry I made about one year ago, on April 21, 2020.

At that time, the Covid experience was gaining momentum. People were becoming frightened. There were threats already of mandatory vaccinations. And some historical mass tragedies I was reading about seemed to parallel what was happening in 21st century America.

There was a famous writer who insightfully noted: The only thing that we learn from history is that we never learn from history.

Here is a bit of history that I hope we do learn from. The following is taken from my journal:


We are in the midst of the Corona Virus Pandemic. Bill Gates and Tony Fauci are vigorously promoting the notion of “the cure” being a vaccine and Microsoft has generously been working on a digital passport to prove that a person has been properly “baptized” - i.e. has received the “holy waters” of modern “science” - also known as vaccination. 

Dr. Marcia Angell - the many-year editor of the New England Journal of Medicine - wrote vigorously (angrily?) regarding the corruption of science and medicine and how one can no longer trust what the so-called scientists claim. Some data presented in the science journals, she says, is “obviously” good and some “unobviously” is very bad.

The idea that Gates is offering [note: he is not a doctor or a scientist by many perspectives and he is a college drop out - all of which in itself is perfectly fine with me, but the very same type of facts are used as opprobrium by the popular press against people “they” do not agree with] is that “baptism or holy waters” are necessary to fully live in the modern era. It’s just that his holy offerings are the “holy” vaccines that will render one acceptable to modern society.

This reminds me of the book written by James Glass: “Life Unworthy of Life: Racial Phobia and Mass Murder in Hitler’s Germany”.

Quoting from his book: “It was not cultural propagandists who organized the “special treatment” of the Jews; it was the public health officials, the scientific journals, the physicians, the administrators, and the lawyers who feared the very presence of the Jews would endanger their families, their bodies and ultimately their lives. To think of the Jew in such terms is insane from our perspectives, but it was held to be sane in the culture caught up in the phobic projection of infection onto the Jews and THE SCIENTIFIC AUTHORITY LEGITIMIZING SUCH BELIEFS.”

My concern is that increasingly this phobic projection is going to be encouraged by the same types of people now parading as public health officials, through current scientific journals regarding which Dr. Angell has spoken so strongly, through doctors who most likely do not really understand the science, and through administrators who do what they are told. This time the dangerous and “infected” outcasts could be those who either protest or oppose mandatory vaccinations.

The same things tend to repeat in history…

As Carl Jung says, we are not as modern as we like to think. In reality, we are still the ancient people with new toys and tricks. Those ancient genes still demand Inquisitions in various forms to purge the less than “holy” from their midst.

The Amazon book description of Glass’s book is worth rereading. In part, it says: “a provocative new answer to the questions about the holocaust that bedevil us to this day: How and why did so many ordinary Germans participate in the Final Solution? And how did they come to regard the Jews as less than human and deserving of extermination? 

“Glass argues that the answers lie in the rise of a particular ethos of public health and sanitation that emerged from the German Medical Establishment and filtered down to the common people… He traces the development in the years following World War 1 of theories of racial hygiene that singled out the Jews as an infectious disease, and that determined them as ‘life unworthy of life’ in the words of Nazi propagandists and German scientists. 

“Looked at from a broader perspective… the actions and beliefs of the German people show what today would be regarded as insane, became for World War II German society, normal politics. Murdering millions of innocent people was not seen as a vicious criminal conspiracy, but as a therapy essential to the culture’s well-being.”

- End of journal entry


In the intervening year, it seems that there is an even greater reason for concern regarding the public health officials doing to the “unbaptized” what Germany did to the Jews.

If you get the vaccine, God bless you! I truly hope you do well.

As I’ve said above, at this point, I do not believe that it is a wise choice. But time will tell.

In any case, I pray that we will continue to live in a free country where people are allowed to exert their God-given freedom and make what appears to them to be the very best choices for their own bodies.

If you would like to peruse some of our previous newsletters, I’d encourage you to go to our website at, click on the “blog” section. You’ll find the older newsletters there.