Rheumatoid arthritis


  1. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered to be an autoimmune disease.

  2. Please note the section on Autoimmune disease

  3. Dr Thomas McPherson Brown was a rheumatologist in the Washington, DC area. Through diligent research he discovered what the cause of rheumatoid arthritis was and developed a method of treatment that can work wonders for people with the disease. Please read a book review posted on Amazon regarding Dr Brown’s book, “The Road Back”. It will give you a brief insight into the work done by Dr. Brown.

  4. Foods and toxins can also be triggers for this problem


  1. According to Dr Brown (see the book review below), RA is caused by bugs. It’s an interesting story! In some cases it can be effectively treated by appropriate antibiotic therapy - or other methods of treating a chronic infection.

  2. While in training in Chicago, we demonstrated that many people with rheumatoid arthritis could be dramatically benefitted by avoiding foods that could trigger symptoms.