Diabetes Type 2


  1. Type 2 Diabetes is on the spectrum known as Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome.

  2. Diabetes is diagnosed by:

      1. Having two different fasting blood sugars that are 126 or above OR

      2. Having a hemoglobin A1C of 6.5% or higher on two separate tests is diagnostic

      3. A random blood sugar over 200 is highly suggestive of diabetes

  3. Prediabetes is generally considered to be:

      1. A fasting blood sugar of 100 up to 125 OR

      2. A hemoglobin A1C of 5.7 to 6.4

  4. Diabetes, as such, only takes what the blood sugar is into consideration

      1. Blood sugar high = diabetes.

      2. Blood sugar borderline high = prediabetes

  5. The major diabetic types:

      1. Type 1 diabetes: there is essential no insulin produced by the body/pancreas

      2. Type 2 diabetes: There is too much insulin produced

  6. The problem in type 2 diabetes is that elevated insulin in many ways is more dangerous and damaging to the body than is the higher blood sugars (to be clear, I’m not speaking of the enormously high blood sugars occasionally experienced by even type 2s)

  7. Type 2 diabetes is, in almost all cases, an optional disease. You can choose to continue to have it or you can choose to no longer have type 2 diabetes. The choice is yours. It will take self education. It will take determination. But we can help you cure yourself of this very damaging disease.


  1. What causes insulin to go up? An increase in blood sugar.

  2. What causes blood sugar to go up? Eating sugar and other carbohydrates.

  3. What lowers insulin? Less sugar in the blood.

  4. What makes for less sugar in the blood? Eating fewer sugars and carbohydrates.


  1. Type 2 diabetes (Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome) is in some ways the most damaging and tragic disease of our time.

  2. It is a major contributor to obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, fatigue, arthritis, dementia and generally not feeling well.

  3. It’s actually a fairly new disease, and the reason for that is the change in the American diet over the past 100 years

  4. In order to effectively treat type 2 diabetes, the patient must understand what is going on and have clear direction on what steps to take.

  5. The current use of insulin for type 2 diabetes is almost always a poor choice as it almost universally makes the patients become more obese and makes their already problematic elevated insulins even higher. NOTE: In saying this, DO NOT suddenly stop any treatment program you are on without the express cooperation of your treating physician. It could be dangerous. Work with a knowledgeable doctor who can help and support you in this important work.

  6. To effectively treat type 2 diabetes, a good physician must consider:

      1. Sleep

      2. Thyroid status

      3. Other hormones

      4. Gut health

      5. Supplements

      6. Diet

      7. Exercise

      8. Hydration

  7. Overcoming type 2 diabetes is a noble endeavor and goal. We would be happy to assist you in that process.


  1. In some ways, we live in the best times ever. There is an amazing access to information unlike ever before in earth history.

  2. To be successful in overcoming type 2 diabetes, you will need to work together with your physician. You can’t expect him/her to just prescribe meds and get cured.

  3. But to work effectively with a physician, you yourself need to have an understanding of what is happening and where you wish to go with your health. Many physicians do not understand the latest work on diabetes and still rely on the old paradigm of just using enough different medications to get the blood sugar down. The problem is that these medications typically do nothing to help get your insulin down.

  4. You need to become an expert on your own body and health. Hire doctors to help you achieve YOUR goals. Don’t submit to the typical low level goals of taking lots of meds to get your hemoglobin A1C below 7. Set a healthier bar for yourself. Get your A1C below 5.4! Get you insulin under 6! Or that at least is what I would encourage you to do.

  5. There are some terrific resources out there. Let me list a few:

      1. Jason Fung’s book: “The Diabetes Code”

      2. Jason Fung: “The Complete Guide to Fasting”

      3. Joe Mercola: “Ketofast”