

Many issues which are thought to be “psychological” are in fact disruptions in the normal functions of the brain.

Is the issue a given person is facing simply unhappiness or is it really depression in the classic sense. Many people are unhappy and doctors are all too willing to prescribe a psychotropic/mind affecting drug without any real understanding of what is going on with a person.

If they are truly depressed, why is it? Is it circumstantial? Counseling might be a better choice than a medication.

For more information on what are considered to be psychological problems, please read some of what has been written in the ADD/ADHD section above.


  1. Hormonal changes. Woman as early as 30 can experience symptoms of “premenopause”.

  2. Post Partum Depression, depression after the birth of a baby, is almost always a hormonal thing. Proper replacement can help enormously. Typically one does not need to take psychiatric drugs for this.

  3. Undiagnosed low thyroid or inadequate thyroid therapy

  4. Lack of nutrients including B vitamins, certain minerals such as magnesium, and amino acids such as tryptophan and tyrosine

  5. Traumatic brain injury

  6. Lack of sunshine and vitamin D

  7. Inflammation of the brain as per the work of Dr Blaylock mentioned in the ADD section.


  1. Appropriate hormonal replacement when indicated.

  2. The needed hormone could be cortisol, the adrenal hormone that helps deal with stress. Frequently overlooked.

  3. In depth evaluation of thyroid function and status, and proper replacement when indicated.

  4. Exercise

  5. Water

  6. A diet that helps lower blood sugar. And it should also help you avoid foods to which your are allergic/sensitive

  7. Good sleep

  8. See Dr Mirman’s article attached at the end for more information on how appropriate use of amino acids and some vitamins could be a great help.

  9. And see the information in the section on ADD/ADHD