

  1. I am not an oncologist

  2. We do not offer chemotherapy

  3. In no way are we trying to take the role of the oncologist

  4. Our goal is to assist you in process of healing, of getting well

  5. In our experience, the goal of oncologists is to kill the cancer by any means possible. That usually means surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

  6. We are not opposed to the use of these treatments per se

  7. We do believe that a healthy body is much better able to fight the cancer when using the big guns of surgery, chemo and radiation.

  8. If you choose to do surgery, chemo or radiation, a healthy body will heal much better than an unhealthy body.

  9. We can help you get healthier and, we believe, fight the cancer more effectively


  1. By understanding the cause of cancer, one is much better able to figure out how to get well and really fight the cancer.

  2. Generally the notion people have is that cancer is somehow in our genes. Our genetics caused it and our lifestyle/environment had little or nothing to do with it.

  3. An important first step is to understand that cancer is infrequently a random genetic problem. It’s almost always an environment/lifestyle issue. Perhaps an inadvertent lifestyle issue such as spraying one’s yard and garden with a “safe” herbicide, RoundUp. We now know that RoundUp actually does cause cancer, and maybe aggressively so. Or it can be a dietary issue: believing one is eating a healthy diet - and be wrong.

  4. This is actually very good news! If cancer is a random genetic event, there’s not a whole lot we can do about the cause or the cure. On the other hand, if cancer is due to the way I eat including what and when, sleep (or lack thereof), exercise and the toxins I expose myself to, then there may well be something that I can do to seriously help my body heal by making big changes in my way of living.

  5. Thomas Seyfried, professor at Boston College, has written an expensive textbook which explains why we get cancer. The name of the book is “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease”.

  6. Travis Christofferson has done us a favor. He’s written a nice translation of Dr Seyfried’s work for those who are not medical professionals/scientists. It would be a good book to be familiar with if you or a loved one has cancer.


  1. We can help you understand possible factors that may have contributed to your cancer. By understanding those, you have the tools to make important changes in lifestyle and possible exposures.

  2. If you have a urinary tract infection, your urine will usually be sent to the laboratory and the urine is cultured to see which bugs might grow, and then they test to see which antibiotics might be the most effective for this particular infection. Did you know that there are labs that can do testing for your particular kind of cancer and tell us which chemotherapy drugs or supplements might be the most effective in the treatment of your particular cancer? We can help you with that.

  3. High blood sugar and low oxygen are twin conspirators in causing cancer. We can help you lower your blood sugar in a safe manner and guide you in getting more oxygen.

  4. IV therapy with high dose vitamin C does not replace chemotherapy, but it can help support patients to are going through chemo. For information, search: Dr Thomas Levy + Cancer + IV vitamin C. We provide this and other IV therapies to help with immune function during challenging times such as this.

  5. We can provide information to help you figure things out.

      1. One example would be to listen to the first Tim Ferriss podcast where he interviews Dominick D’Agostino, a professor in Florida. You’ll find it a wide ranging discussion, but the parts in which he discusses cancer, you should find quite interesting.

      2. Another example would be for you to read a fascinating article about a 29 year old woman with metastatic triple negative breast cancer. These types are the worst. A team including Dr Seyfried treated her 12 times using the protocol mentioned in the article, and she was clear of all discernible cancer! Amazing. The link for the scientific article is:

      3. Valter Longo is a professor at University of Southern California. He researches factors having to do with longevity. How can we live longer? His book has some very interesting insights into cancer and cancer treatment. It may be worth a read. His book title is: “The Longevity Diet”.

  6. As with so many disease processes, appropriate hormonal support can be remarkably beneficial.

  7. If cancer is your issue, blessings! It will take work. And if you would like some help, please get in touch with us.